Our Admissions
We realize that the early childhood admissions process can sometimes be a daunting experience for families, but at Mayfair Gardens Montessori, we feel as though it need not be. We are here to guide you along each step of the process, making your experience informative, helpful, and personal. Prior to formal application for admission, please contact us at your convenience to discuss the unique needs of your child. We would be delighted to give you a tour as well as share with you the many ways in which our half-day (8:30-11:30) Montessori program may be the perfect fit for you and your family.
When you are ready to apply...

Step one: Please register your interest by sending us an initial email to: info@themayfairgardens.org or filling out our online contact form (located on our "contact" page. We will then set up a time for a brief phone call (in certain cases we automatically skip to the in-person tour. If this is your wish, please tell us in your initial email) Please note: We reply to all emails within a 24 hour period. We will use the email provided on the contact form and/or your email to us. Please check your spam folder if you do not hear from us within 24 hours.
Step two: We will invite you over to our Montessori space for a tour. This time is reserved just for you, as we do not offer group tours. This will be a one-to-one meeting and is for parents only. We kindly ask that children do not accompany you at this time due to the nature of the visit. We will discuss the Montessori philosophy, show how our Montessori materials address the curriculum, and answer any specific questions that you may have. We will also ask you a few questions as they relate specifically to your child and review the terms of our enrollment agreement. Our parent tours have been averaging one hour to one and a half hours. It is possible to spend less time with us, but we do carve out this large chunk of time because we feel that parent partnerships are vital to our success as we endeavor to serve your child. If we schedule an in-person tour with you, we kindly ask you to let us know at least 24 hours in advance if you wish to cancel or reschedule your tour. We will ask you at the end of your tour if you would like to schedule your child’s assessment screening. If you do, we will schedule your appointment right then and there. If you wish to think about it, we will send you a follow-up email within 48 hours of your tour.
Step three: After your tour, if you would like to proceed in the admissions process, we ask that you schedule your child’s assessment screening. This will be an individual assessment that will take place at our Montessori and without parents present. Parents are welcome to stay on our campus in another room while the assessment is occurring. The assessment will last approximately 30 minutes and will be completed on a different day than your initial tour.
Step four: We will contact you by email within 24 hours of your child’s assessment screening. If it is mutually agreed that Mayfair Gardens Montessori will be your child’s early years program, we will ask that you submit the application form and $50.00 application fee. We will then initiate a docusign agreement.
Mayfair Gardens Montessori seeks to recruit and retain a diverse student-body. We are an inclusive organization. We do not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, gender expression, national origin, socioeconomic status, or sexual orientation.
Mayfair Gardens Montessori is a non-profit organization