Why Montessori?
Founded by Dr. Maria Montessori in 1907, the Montessori method allows young children to develop order, coordination, concentration, and independence within a multi-aged community environment. Each child is seen as an individual and is supported to become active seekers of knowledge. The Montessori environment uses thoughtful and beautiful materials in order to teach one skill at a time. These materials contain multiple levels of challenge, and a child will progress when they are ready and able, as opposed to a standard prescribed timeframe for learning.
A Child-Centered Environment.
A Montessori environment endeavors to guide each child to problem solve at their own individual pace. Instead of a “one-size-fits-all” approach to the early years, Montessori nurtures and guides children’s learning through small group and individual lessons that meet the child where they are.
Relationship Building.
Complimenting decades of educational research, the Montessori environment fosters relationships through our mixed-aged groupings. Within this community of learners, children respect and learn from each other in addition to engaging in collaborative work alongside their individual work plans.
Intrinsic Motivation.
Montessori programs offer a range of curriculum that suits the individual interests of our collective environment. We bring children in on what decisions are made during their learning process. Our caring and nurturing community asks, “How are children motivated?” rather than “How motivated are the children?” This allows children to self-direct their learning in a freedom-within-limits space, resulting in an increase in responsibility, self-discipline, and self-regulation.
The Montessori Guide.
You can be certain that the trained Montessori teacher always has the best interest of the child ahead of anything else. Montessori teachers are guides, observers, mentors, and models. Montessori guides thoughtfully prepare the environment for order, attractiveness, and to increase joy in learning. Montessori guides also help children develop cognitive and social skills whilst offering carefully planned progressions for children’s learning within a structured and prepared environment.
Family First.
Montessori programs believe that our environments are an extension of your home. In fact, Maria Montessori called her first Early Childhood program, “Children’s House.” We establish communication with families from the beginning and strongly feel as though successful education experiences in the early years requires collaboration between the family and Montessori.